Welcome to our warehouse sales on friday the 19.4. 12am-4pm and saturday 20.4. 9am - 18pm. Our sales...
As seen since 1999 on Netflix, in Elle Decoration, Wallpaper*, Rogue One Star

New arrivals
Workshop blog
Visit the blogUSB Cables and Phone Chargers are always in the wrong place at the wrong time or then they...
Lahja äidille on asia, johon kannattaa aina panostaa. Oli kyseessä sitten äitienpäivä tai mikä tahansa muu äidin merkkipäivä,...
Buying a gift for your loved one is always wonderful and challenging at the same time. The goal...
Jokainen kotitalous ja yritys hyötyy siitä, että tärkeät asiat ja esineet pysyvät tallessa. Arjen kiireet pitävät aivojemme muistilohkot...
Form follows function doesn't mean all objects have to look the same
Read our story
We ship from Finland to almost anywhere in the world.
Options include Paypal, Apple Pay, Credit cards, Finnish Banks, Klarna
Gift Wrapping
Want to send as a gift? We can Gift Wrap your order at no extra cost.
Careful Packaging
All deliveries are packaged extremely carefully so they arrive in perfect condition
Tonfisk design
Tonfisk is a Finnish design company based in the country’s oldest city, Turku. We specialize in creating original designs in porcelain, hand crafted at our own factory. We also collaborate closely with selected local suppliers.